My Hero's Journey and the Quest for Self-Love

My name is Kylie, and I am the mama to three young boys. I have been running a small craft business since April of 2009, and that business has grown and evolved in many ways, much the same as I have grown and evolved in that same time. When I began crafting as more than a hobby, I was 20 years old. Thirteen years later, I am happy to say I have gained more wisdom, insight and confidence.

I have wanted to be an artist since I was a little girl. I have always loved color and
music, but for a very long time, I convinced myself I could not be an artist because I had a very limited definition of art. In recent years, I have learned that art comes in more mediums than we could ever count. These days, I express my creativity through drawing, doodling, coloring, graphic design, knit, crochet, journal making and paper crafts, and even video games!

My family and I are PROUD geeks and nerds. We love anime, tabletop games, video
games, comic books, superhero (and villain) movies, and many fandoms. I, personally, love “cozy games” like Animal Crossing, Stardew Valley, Spiritfarer and Wild at Heart. Some days you will find me cranking the knitting machine, lost in the clicking of the teeth. Other days you will catch me in front of my computer immersed in designing and publishing. I love to make things that will go on to be used! I am a crafter through and through.

As a busy mom and a woman with mental illness, it has been necessary for me to find healthy coping mechanisms in life. I find stillness through journaling, art journaling, list-making, planning, designing graphic art scenes, journals for others to use, as well as fun and unique items to represent all of our beloved fandoms, and making handmade toys and wearables for loved ones.

Crafting is not just a thing I do. Crafting is a huge part of who I am. Creativity is as
essential to me as air. Thus, we are Craft & Soul. I make, therefore, I am. Here, you can find an array of art, items to help in your own self-expression, items to help you cope, to give you a boost of serotonin and happiness, and hopefully a quiet hidden world to explore. Here, you can, if only for a moment, get back in touch with your soul. Follow what brings you joy.

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